Welcome Letter
My name is Stefanie Anderson and I'm the principal of Lake Garda School. I began working at LGS in 2012 as the assistant principal and was fortunate enough to become principal in November of 2015. Prior to working in Region 10, I taught fourth and sixth grade for 10 years and also worked as a consultant at the State Education Resource Center (SERC) for 4 years where I delivered professional development to public school staff across the state. Becoming part of the Region 10 community was a true turning point for me. I feel like I'm right where I belong!
At Lake Garda School, we encourage all students to be the very best that they can be. We strive to consistently acknowledge the positive choices that students make. We do this in a way that promotes school community in order to preserve the positive climate that we have worked so hard to establish.
It is important to me that families know that we at Lake Garda are here to help. When school and home collaborate, we form an incredibly strong team. Our goals are the same as yours, success and happiness for your children, our students. My door is always open. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
Stefanie Anderson
Lake Garda Elementary School
Lake Garda Student Handbook
Lake Garda School Handbook
Bus Safety Video
Bus Safety Video