Media Center
Parent news- checkout what we've been doing during Library
To find great books to take home -Link to DESTINY
our on-line catalog to Lake Garda.
Lake Garda Media Center
Sites for Distance Learning-
Link to gre
at Books from
Also link to Mrs. Martin's epic's favorites-
Epic collection - Grade 2 (check back often for new titles)
Mrs. Martins class code apc3966K-2 collection
Digital books to borrow for Distance Learning
To Login- username- (graduation date) last name, first initial
password- 4 digit lunch pin rsd10
Example- 30Martind
Link to National Geographic fun!
Check out fun facts, personality quizzes and more!
Link to TRUEFLIX here at school- a fun way to learn!
for access from home link to Trueflix from home
Username- lgreg10
Password- lgreg10
Check out Factmonster- a web version of the World Almanac
Link to the perfect site for K-3 to explore all of your interests!
Animals, Earth and Science, Biographies, Social Studies.
Try Pebble Go Next for 3rd and 4th grade students
No password needed from school
Password to access from home-
Username-lakegarda Password-read
Britannica School - a link to the Britannica Encyclopedia Username- reg10 password-bluewhite
License plate sites for 3rd graders
License plates through the years
Donate a Birthday Book!
Link to the Lake Garda PTA site to donate a book to our library in honor of your child's birthday.
Link to Burlington Powerpoint
Celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday - March 2nd try
Hour of Code activities K & 1
Hour of Code activities Grades 2, 3 & 4
Here is a list of great book sites to enjoy! 100's of free e- books by grade level. Click "Learn more here" No username and password required. Great selection of books get 1 month free includes 50 books to download free sign-up for parents for 30 days register for free Authors reading their own books.
We have gone over rules we follow in the library and how to take care of books we borrow.
We remember-
Quiet voices
Walking feet
Listening ears
The Library program at Lake Garda helps to enhance the K-4 curriculum. Children in grades K-4 visit the media center weekly . At that time they are able to check out books, have a story and follow-up activity and start to learn about the set-up of the library. They also learn and use the many resourses available at a library. Through these visits I hope they will develop an appreciation for books and a love of reading.
Kindergarten students- may check out 1 book and return weekly.
First grade students- may check out 1 book and return weekly.
Second grade students- may check out 2 books weekly. They may renew a book up to 3 times to finish.
Third grade students- may check out 3 books and return when finished. They may renew up to 3 times to finish. We will be using the laptops regularly, to visit websites that enhance our lessons.
Third graders will be learning how to effectively research throughout the year. Their research will involve almanacs, atlases, encyclopedias, books, websites and databases.
Fourth grade students- may check out 3 books every week. They may renew as needed. If a 4th book is needed, they may have 4 books. They will be working on research projects which will involve working with reference materials, websites, and databases.
Mrs. Diane Martin
School Librarian